since 1.0
eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, $key, $single = true )
Retrieves 'core' booking meta. You should use `get_post_meta()` for 'non-core' booking meta/custom fields.
Available keys are:
- bookee - The bookee ID. 0 if its a guest booking.
- bookee_first_name - The bookee's first name
- bookee_last_name - The bookee's last name (if provided).
- bookee_display_name - The bookee's display name (as selected in profile).
- bookee_email - The bookee's email address
- booking_notes - The booking notes
- event_id - The ID of the event the booking is for
- occurrence_id The ID of the occurrence the booking is for
- date - The date the booking was made
- ticket_quantity - The number of tickets contained in the booking
- booking_amount - The total amount the booking came to (as a float)
- meta_{$ID} - The value entered for booking form element with ID $ID.
Applies the filter eventorganiser_get_booking_meta_{$key}
to the returned value.
$booking_id |
The booking (post) ID
$key |
The booking meta key
$single = true |
Whether to return a single value
Return value
Will be an array if $single is false. Will be value of meta data field if $single is true.