since 1.7
eo_get_event_fullcalendar( $args = array() )
Returns HTML mark-up for the fullCalendar
It also (indirectly) triggers the enquing of the necessary scripts and styles. The $args
accepts exactly the same arguments as the shortcode, they are
- headerleft (string) What appears on the left of the calendar header. Default 'title'.
- headercenter (string) What appears on the left of the calendar header. Default ''.
- headerright (string) What appears on the left of the calendar header. Default 'prev next today'.
- defaultview (string) The view the calendar loads on. Default 'month',
- event-category (string|array) Restrict calendar to specified category(ues) (by slug). Default all categories.
- event-venue (string|array) Restrict calendar to specified venue(s) (by slug). Default all venues.
- timeformat (string) Time format for calendar. Default 'G:i'.
- axisformat (string) Axis time format (for day/week views). WP's time format option.
- key (bool) Whether to show a category key. Default false.
- tooltip (bool) Whether to show a tooltips. Default true. Content is filtered by
- users_events - (bool) True to show only eents for which the current user is attending
- weekends (bool) Whether to include weekends in the calendar. Default true.
- mintime (string) Earliest time to show on week/day views. Default '00:00',
- maxtime (string) Latest time to show on week/day views. Default '24:00',
- slotDuration (string) The frequency for displaying time slots in agenda views, default '00:30:00' (30 minutes)
- nextDayThreshold (string) If the event starts on a previous day, then the end time of the event must be after this time for it appear on this day on the calendar. Default '06:00:00' (6am)
e.g. An event 17th October 11pm - 18th October 7am will appear on the 17th and 18th, but an event 17th October 11pm - 18th October 5am will appear only on the 17th.
- alldayslot (bool) Whether to include an all day slot (week / day views) in the calendar. Default true.
- alldaytext (string) Text to display in all day slot. Default 'All Day'.
- titleformatmonth (string) Date format (PHP) for title for month view. Default 'l, M j, Y'
- titleformatweek (string) Date format (PHP) for title for week view. Default 'M j Y'.
- titleformatday (string) Date format (PHP) for title for day view. Default 'F Y'
- columnformatmonth (string) Dateformat for month columns. Default 'D'.
- columnformatweek (string) Dateformat for month columns. Default 'D n/j'.
- columnformatday (string) Dateformat for month columns. Default 'l n/j',
- year The year the calendar should start on (e.g. 2013)
- month The month the calendar should start on (1=Jan, 12=Dec)
- date The calendar the date should start on
$args = array() |
An array of attributes for the calendar
Return value